It was a real challenge to choose one part of my space to reconfigure. I was envisioning being able to use the desk to sit and the wall to paint on.
trying to reconfigure a corner of my life
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design can make you happy
I recently saw Stefan Sagmeister speak about design. The stories behind his projects were funny, simple and inspiring. He described design as a chair that you build, and keep altering until the point that it is no longer functional, and at that point it becomes art or sculpture. Then you can ask yourself, is this good art? ... ok, maybe you had to be there. so here's a video of him, from the TED conference:
He also has a web project running that invites everyone to participate, so I invite you as well... THINGS THAT I HAVE LEARNED IN MY LIFE SO FAR
Posted by ::: NaPpYCo. ::: 0 comments
creatures of habit
This is what happened when we made a recorded sound tour of the Tisch building, from the 8th floor to the basement via the stairwells. Each floor was a whole universe unto itself to be explored. It opened my eyes to how I move about this building in a set rountine. It's refreshing to break out of my scent trail like existence. Now I am thinking about how I move around on the street and at work. We do become creatures of habit.
click the "+" button to make the pictures play faster.
Posted by ::: NaPpYCo. ::: 1 comments
How to disappear completely
you know you're in trouble when you see the word "dialectic".
dialectic [ˌdī-ə-ˈlek-tik] n. 1: logic 1a(1)2 a: discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation;I'm not sure what to make of the readings that we have for homework this week. Last week was Foucault. I can respect this dude because I could understand him. He had some big ideas but was smart enough to write them in a way that is translatable. Bachelard is too smart for his own good. I am sure he is making good points, but to understand fully means that you have loosed your joints enough to bend yourself into a pretzel and view the world upside down, or at least sideways. I am not that limber yet, but with practice maybe I will love Bachelard or at least be friendly.
in other news, i recently found out that the first step in learning "how to disappear completely" is to understand who or what you're hiding from.
Posted by ::: NaPpYCo. ::: 0 comments
i am trying to find spaces and places that are transistional.
transistion[tran-zish-uh] n: movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change.i realize its harder to find things that are not in transistion because the world is a collage of things that are on their own timetables of transistion. Time is the best way to witness these changes. Photography allows us to see and remember what the before state was and if you stand still in one spot long enough, you can witness change too.
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