How to disappear completely

you know you're in trouble when you see the word "dialectic".

dialectic [ˌdī-ə-ˈlek-tik] n. 1: logic 1a(1)2 a: discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation;
I'm not sure what to make of the readings that we have for homework this week. Last week was Foucault. I can respect this dude because I could understand him. He had some big ideas but was smart enough to write them in a way that is translatable. Bachelard is too smart for his own good. I am sure he is making good points, but to understand fully means that you have loosed your joints enough to bend yourself into a pretzel and view the world upside down, or at least sideways. I am not that limber yet, but with practice maybe I will love Bachelard or at least be friendly.
in other news, i recently found out that the first step in learning "how to disappear completely" is to understand who or what you're hiding from.

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